Anatomy of the Ankle With a Syndesmosis Injury
This video covers the anatomy of the ankle as it relates to syndesmosis injuries.
This video covers the anatomy of the ankle as it relates to syndesmosis injuries.
This video reviews the general considerations for surgical intervention in acute and chronic deltoid ligament injuries. The InternalBrace surgical technique is intended only to augment the primary repair/reconstruction by expanding the area of tissue approximation during the healing period and...
This video reviews the anatomy of the 5th metatarsal as it relates to 5th metatarsal fractures.
In this video, Professor Gordon Mackay demonstrates arthroscopic AC joint reconstruction using InternalBrace™ ligament augmentation with SwiveLock® anchors.
In this video, Paul C. Brady, MD (Knoxville, TN), demonstrates an arthroscopic AC joint reconstruction using AC Dog Bone™ button technology.
Christopher Hodgkins, MD (Miami, FL), introduces the FibuLock® nail, including a review of the history of fibular nailing and literature review.
John W. Xerogeanes, MD (Atlanta, GA), demonstrates a quadriceps tendon harvest technique using the QuadPro™ tendon harvester.
Justin Fleming, DPM (Somerset, NJ), demonstrates open reduction and internal fixation of a distal fibula fracture with a titanium distal fibular locking plate, AITFL repair using the InternalBrace™ ligament augmentation procedure, and syndesmotic fixation with a Syndesmotic TightRope® implant. The...
Michael G. Baraga, MD (Miami, FL), demonstrates a quick tip to ensure the femoral button is flipped without using fluoroscopy during an all-inside ACL reconstruction.
This video reviews the fundamental biomechanics and function of the static and dynamic stabilizers of the glenohumeral joint as they relate to anterior instability.
Patrick A. Smith, MD (Columbia, MO), reviews current literature evaluating the biomechanics for primary ACL repair using the InternalBrace™ ligament augmentation procedure and discusses subsequent clinical outcomes. The InternalBrace surgical technique is intended only to augment the primary repair/reconstruction by...
Bruce A. Levy, MD (Orlando, FL), reviews current literature evaluating the safety, biomechanics, and clinical outcomes for suture augmentation in ACL reconstruction.
Anthony A. Romeo, MD (New York, NY), discusses examination techniques, diagnostic considerations, and treatment algorithms between first-time and habitual shoulder dislocators.
Paul Saluan, MD (Cleveland, OH), discusses current literature on using a quadriceps tendon autograft for both primary and revision ACL reconstruction.
Patrick A. Smith, MD (Columbia, MO), demonstrates how to prepare a semitendosis graft for the GraftLink® technique using a TightRope® II RT implant with FiberTape® suture for the InternalBrace™ technique. The InternalBrace surgical technique is intended only to augment the primary...
Katherine Ma, MD (Cortlandt Manor, NY), describes her management of fibular fractures.
Christopher Hodgkins, MD (Miami, FL), demonstrates the FibuLock® fibular nail and TightRope® XP implant for fixation of fibular fractures with associated syndesmotic injury.
This video discusses the decision-making process and reviews options for surgical management of anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) repairs. The InternalBrace™ surgical technique is intended only to augment the primary repair/reconstruction by expanding the area of tissue approximation during the healing...
Asheesh Bedi, MD (Chicago, IL), reviews current literature supporting adding an iliotibial band tenodesis to an ACL reconstruction for high-risk patients to help improve knee stability and decrease the risk of graft rerupture.
Jeffrey Nepple, MD (St. Louis, MO), reviews the pediatric ACL literature to help guide the surgical decision-making process for choosing between an all-epiphyseal and a transepiphyseal ACL reconstruction in the pediatric population.
Aravind Athiviraham, MD (Chicago, IL), demonstrates a surgical tip for precise cutting of bone plugs when harvesting a BTB autograft for ACL reconstruction.
Brian B. Gilmer, MD (Mammoth Lakes, CA), shows a quick surgical pearl forremoving old suture from the FlipCutter® III drill during revision ACL reconstruction surgery.
Christopher C. Kaeding, MD (Columbus, OH), demonstrates a tip for using a backup passing suture during BTB ACL graft passage.