Experienced health care professionals discuss peer-reviewed medical data and summarize key literature, providing valuable insight into procedures and the latest research.
Focus on Data and Literature
Glenohumeral Joint Instability: Literature Review on Management of a First-Time Anterior Shoulder Dislocation
Literature Review on Knotless Suture Anchors for Glenohumeral Instability
Proximal Biceps Tendinopathy: Literature Review on Biceps Tenotomy vs Tenodesis
Literature Review on Bursal Autograft for Augmentation of Rotator Cuff Repairs
Rotator Cuff Tears: Literature Review of Biologic Rotator Cuff Augmentation
Rotator Cuff Tears: Literature Review on Leveraging Biology for Rotator Cuff Repair Healing
Rotator Cuff Tears: Literature Review on Reverse Total Shoulder Arthroplasty for Hamada 1 and 2 and Failed Previous Cuff Tears
Rotator Cuff Tears: Literature Review on the Biology of Dermal Allografts in Rotator Cuff Augmentation
Glenohumeral Joint Arthritis: Literature Review on Shoulder Arthroplasty
Glenohumeral Joint Arthritis: Literature Review on the Effects of Preoperative Planning for Shoulder Arthroplasty
Glenohumeral Joint Arthritis: Literature Review on Lateralization in Reverse Total Shoulder Arthroplasty
Glenohumeral Joint Arthritis: Literature Review on Subscapularis Repair in Reverse Total Shoulder Arthroplasty
Tuberosity Healing Following Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty for Proximal Fracture Based on Humeral Inclination
Rotator Cuff Tears: Literature Review on All-Suture Anchors for Rotator Cuff Repair
Rotator Cuff Tears: Literature Review on Biologic Tuberoplasty for Massive Irreparable Rotator Cuff Tears
Rotator Cuff Tears: Literature Review on Double-Row Rotator Cuff Repairs
Anterior Glenohumeral Joint Instability: Literature Review on Patient Selection for Remplissage
Rotator Cuff Tears: Literature Review on Graft Options for Rotator Cuff Augmentation
Distal Biceps Tendon Injuries: Literature Review on Anatomic and Biomechanical Implications
Distal Biceps Tendon Injuries: Literature Review on Anterior vs Posterior Surgical Approach for Distal Biceps Repair
Distal Biceps Tendon Injuries: Literature Review on Onlay vs Inlay Distal Biceps Repair
Elbow Medial Ulnar Collateral Ligament (UCL) Injuries: Literature Review on UCL Repair and Reconstruction
Femoral Neck Fractures: Literature Review on Posterior-Superior Screw Position for Fixation of Femoral Neck Fractures
Literature Review of Single- vs Dual-Screw Fixation for Intertrochanteric Hip Fractures
Hip Arthroscopy Essentials: Literature Review on Capsular Management
Femoroacetabular Impingement (FAI) and Labral Tears: Literature Update on Bony Abnormalities and FAI
Femoroacetabular Impingement (FAI) and Labral Tears: Literature Review on Labral Repair and Reconstruction
ACL Injuries: Literature Review of ACL Reconstruction Techniques in Pediatric Patients
ACL Injuries: Literature Review on Iliotibial Band Tenodesis for Anterolateral Instability
ACL Injuries: Literature Review on the Use of Quadriceps Tendon Autograft for ACL Reconstruction
ACL Tears: Literature Review on Primary ACL Repair
Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Injuries: Literature Review on Suture Augmentation in ACL Reconstruction
Knee Arthritis: Literature Review on Load-Bearing PEEK High Tibial Osteotomy (HTO) Implants - Patient Outcomes and Recovery
Knee Arthritis: Literature Review on Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty—My 10-Year Experience With the iBalance® UKA
Meniscal Pathologies: Literature Review on Biomechanical Results of Various Meniscal Repair Techniques
Meniscal Pathologies: Literature Review on Meniscal Root Repair
Meniscal Pathologies: Literature Review on Meniscal Root Repair Techniques
Meniscal Pathologies: Literature Review on All-Inside Meniscal Repair Outcomes
Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Injuries: Literature Review on ACL Reconstruction With InternalBrace™ Technique
Ankle Fractures and Syndesmosis Injuries: Literature Review in Support of Open Syndesmotic Reduction
Calcaneus Fractures: A Discussion on Literature Informing the Management of Calcaneal Avulsion Fractures
Hallux Valgus: Literature Review on Open vs MIS Bunion Correction
Hallux Valgus: MIS—Show Me the Science!
Lateral Ankle Instability: Literature Review on Brostrom Repair vs Brostrom Repair With InternalBrace™ Ligament Augmentation Procedure
Medial Ankle Instability: Literature in Action—Should the Deltoid Be Repaired?
Ankle Fracture and Syndesmosis Injuries: Literature Review on Syndesmosis Fixation
Lateral Ankle Instability: Literature Review of ATFL Repair With Suture Augmentation